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██████ ████ ShareWare Version 3.35
To Install and run DF (Type README for more info)
Uncompress the DF.ZIP file using PKUNZIP, then type DF to run.
If you wish to have Topic help available when using DF, DF must
be run from the directory that also contains the file DF.HLP. If
you have any questions or need some help, send a CompuServe EMAIL
to Mark at 70053,2236. You'll receive a response within a week.
These selections are saved to a file in the root directory of the
current drive called DF.INI. (ie. if using DF on drive C> the file
will be located in the C:\ directory.)
Source File or Destination File must contain a Drive
specifier. Options must be preceded by / or - .
Make an Image of a Diskette
Usage: DF -I <Source Diskette> <Destination File> options..
The following will create an Image of the diskette in Drive
A: and place it in the root directory file called DISKIMGE.A
Options available:
-G Make best attempt to recover any data on damaged
areas of diskette. Will recover all physically
damaged areas of diskette, including ones marked bad
by DOS. Running a resurface utility on a restored
diskette will recover areas marked bad by DOS.
This option is only available when making an Image.
(Processing is slower than normal mode but little data
is lost)
-Z Automatically ZIP/UNZIP Image File. PKZIP will
automatically be run after Make Image, and ZIP the
Image file.
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Restore an Image of a Diskette
Usage: DF -R <Source File> <Destination Diskette> options..
The following will restore the Image stored in the file
DISKIMGE.A and place it on the diskette in Drive A:
NOTE: DF will restore an image of a 360K size diskette to a
1.2MB diskette. Though the 1.2MB diskette still must be
used in a 1.2MB drive. (Do not use the Format option)
Options available:
-F Force Format. Format diskette whether DF determines it
needs it or not.
-V Verify Data. Verifies data written to diskette is the
same as the data memory.
-Z Automatically ZIP/UNZIP Image File. PKUNZIP will
automatically be run before Restore Image, and UNZIP the
Image file.
Options available to Make and Restore Image
-0 No ZIP/UNZIP Prompts. Do not prompt for compression
-1 Change DF's default compression programs.
-3 Set DF to Best Mode. This is options -0 and -G and an
internal fast mode.
-C Force CGA/EGA/VGA Mode. Force DF into Color Screen
Display mode. Use this switch if you cannot see anything
when DF is run and you have a CGA/EGA/VGA type Video
-L Use DOS Default 8X8 Font
-M Force MONO Mode. Force DF into Monochrome Screen Display
mode. Use this switch if you cannot see anything when DF
is run and you have a Monochrome Video Adapter.
-N Do not prompt user for anything except when an error
-Z Automatically ZIP/UNZIP Image File.
Diskette Types Supported by DF 3.35 are listed below
5" 15 Sector, 80 Track, 2 Sided 1.2MB
5" 9 Sector, 40 Track, 2 Sided 360K
3" 18 Sector, 80 Track, 2 Sided 1.44MB
3" 9 Sector, 80 Track, 2 Sided 720K
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Having Problems with DF
For those few users who experience problems with DF, first try
using the Set User Selectable Drives option. If after manually
selecting the diskette type you still have diskette images which
do not compare to the originals or you receive constant error
messages. For further assistance send an EMAIL to Mark, CompuServe
ID 70053,2236 and include the Diskette Size, Computer Name, DOS
Version, BIOS Name, BIOS Version number, BIOS Date, and description
of your problem and how it can be recreated.
Registered User benefits include:
1) Current Version of the Software with several bonus options
2) Additional Utilities
3) Full Manual
4) Limited Custom Adjustments
To register type REGISTER in the directory DF.ZIP was UNZIPPED.
DF Files:
DF.EXE Diskette Image to File Utility Program
DF.HLP DF Topic Help File (Binary)
IMGE2EXE.EXE Make DF Image file self restoring EXE file
DFMAN.DOC This file
README.COM Program to display last minute updates and changes
REGISTER.EXE Run this program to register DF
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Make DF Image a self restoring EXE: IMGE2EXE.EXE
To make a diskette image file able to restore itself (ie. Create
DISKCOPY's) type IMGE2EXE followed by the Image file name to
make self restoring.
IMGE2EXE diskimge
IMGE2EXE will create the file DISKIMGE.EXE which when run, will prompt
the user for the drive to restore to and then create a diskette using
DISKIMGE contents. The resulting file created by IMGE2EXE is a standalone
EXE file that requires no addtional files.
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